Thursday, 4 December 2014

Circuit training workout

If you want to get stronger and lose fat, take advantage of the Kettlebell swing in a resistance based routine such as this:
  1. Weighted Squat
  2. Kettlebell swing
  3. Alternate Dumbbell Bench Press (low start)
  4. Kettlebell swing
  5. Wide Grip Chin Up
  6. Kettlebell swing
  7. Alternate Dumbbell Lateral Raise
  8. Kettlebell swing
This specific metabolism boosting is always extreme so build up little-by-little. As every single activity works your body in a different way, it is possible to go through the workout at a fast pace. This can help to increase muscle size and lose fat. In contrast to run of the mill cardiovascular exercise which eats up muscle tissue , applying weight this way enables your body to pack on muscle mass and to shed excess fat. Do not rush the routines. Really concentrate on your hips, quads and hamstrings using heavier loads.

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