Monday, 15 December 2014

Pull Up Your Way To Massive Rhomboids and Middle Traps

I would like you to consider the following when it comes to training the Lats, Rhomboids and Middle Trapezius - carry out the Pull Up super slow and, for advanced trainers, add in drop sets, pre-exhaust sets, and iso-kinetic work. It's vital to maintain correct exercise form for the first couple of sets to get the most from the training session. Lift the weight and then lower it using a slow repetition speed of 4-8 seconds, really feeling yourself resisting the law of gravity. It is a great wonderful way of strengthening the muscles. It does not matter that you won't be aiming for personal best lifts, but you will genuinely produce even more strength gains working out in such a manner. The slower weight speed should engage a lot more muscle fibre and prevent the speed of movement minimizing the efficacy of your Back and Rear Delts training.

Many of us have personally seen the newcomer to lifting weights, using everything to get the weights moving except their target muscles. It does more or less nothing to generate more muscle mass. The Pull Up, like every other basic multi-joint compound exercise, can only work on your Lats, Rhomboids and Posterior Delts if you force them to do almost all the work. This is what a lot of top rated competitive bodybuilders including Troy Alves, Ahmad Haidar and Erik Fankhouser, refer to as the brain and muscle connection. In order to get the Lats and Rear Deltoids and ligaments well prepared for the heavier working sets at a later point within your muscle training session, make sure you carry out a few sets using about 35% of your 1 Rep Max at a slower pace earlier on in your muscle building workout. You could encounter lactic acid mounting up. Training like this also produces the right body biochemistry for fast twitch muscle fibre growth and research has revealed it can boost output of Growth Hormone. You actually allow your muscle fibres to activate much more once you concentrate on the lowering (eccentric action) of the Pull Up. It is the ultimate way to increase muscle size and definition rapidly.

Want to know more about toning up your back muscles? See this blog.

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