Saturday, 17 January 2015

Where The Muscle Gains Are And The Way To Get Them Using The Pull Up For Maximum Lats and and Teres Minor Development

  • If you need to work with a free-weight movement like the Pull Up to get more substantial Lats and Posterior Deltoids, make sure you also include exercises in your muscle building workouts for the antagonist muscle groups. Taking the arms as an example, you would need to balance your resistance training sessions using a mixture of bicep exercises, such as the Seated Dumbbell Curl, with triceps exercises, such as the EZ Bar Skullcrusher.
  • 2-4 sets per training session is all you need in order to trigger growth in your Lats and Rhomboids.
  • Your system will respond better to training that has you on the floor getting your breath back in a few short seconds, rather than lengthy, slow muscle training sessions..
  • Most people into lifting dumbbells, barbells, kettlebells and resistance machines do not know how much similarity when it comes to muscles employed there is involving completely different movements.
  • These muscles receive a good workout whenever you use lots of other upper body exercises.
  • Having rock hard Lats, Rhomboids and Posterior Delts is not only down to working at movements like the Pull Up. Food regimen, how you carry yourself and a well thought out health and fitness program, are all pretty important.

  • Taking into account the vast array of upper body muscle groups, the Lats, Rhomboids and Middle Trapezius could make or break a physique. So you need to develop them to their maximum potential.
  • Make no mistake though. To develop muscle size and definition takes a lot of serious work in the weights room. If you have ever experimented with this you know what I'm talking about.
  • A few guys will have a natural anatomical advantage with regards to Lats and Middle Trapezius.
  • The main element in using the Pull Up in your resistance training program however, is to use the conjugate method. Alter how you apply it. Here are some things you could modify:
    • recuperation time between workouts
    • antagonist supersets
    • partial reps
    Train like this and you will consistently keep making improvements.

Explore more details on training techniques here.

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