- Resistance: In the beginning, the ability to lift more weight in compound movements like the Seated High Cable Row and One Legged Barbell Squat, is reliant on the recruitment of more motor units. This physiological condition is a consequence of increasing resistance. Each motor unit encourages a large number of muscle fibres to contract. Subsequently, the more motor units activated, the more fibres will contract, which make you able to lift more weight at that moment. Further strength develops because of an increase in rising testosterone levels as well as in mitochondrial action in the muscles and tendons. The final result of all this is that it invokes sarcoplasmic hypertrophy and leads to more size and strength.
- Work Rate: The work rate can be increased by completing more work in a shorter time. Rather than walking a mile in 20 minutes, do it in 15 minutes.
- Total Work Performed: indicates the volume of weight moved (i.e. weight multiplied by total repetitions) possibly during an individual fitness routine, or during a particular training phase.

The Pull Up can be broken down into many phases. These are a few of the training elements one can adjust:
- the specifics related to lifting the weight
- the lowering element of the Pull Up
- total rep velocity
- peak contraction stress (a bodybuilder's favourite)
- degree of pre-lift myotatic activation involved in the set
- range of flexion
- motor skills
An isolation exercise activates a single specific muscle or group of muscles (like the Incline Dumbbell Fly for the pectoral muscles), whilst a compound exercise places emphasis on an array of muscles simultaneously, e.g. the Exercise Ball Push Up for the pecs plus deltoids and tricep muscles.Even if you are doing mainly isolated muscle group exercises, start by using the more powerful muscle groups and complete the strength workout using the smaller muscle groups.
Your Lats and Rhomboids Won't Be Able To Grow Without This Important Rule To Developing Muscular Size And Definition
- Most bodybuilders wish to have Latissimus Dorsi and Rear Delts that stand out. They add a sense of muscle maturity to the rest of the body, when you know how to work them to their maximum potential.
- If it was easy to get bigger and stronger Back and Middle Trapezius, any guy in the gym who performed a few sets of the Pull Up would have them. But it is not that easy. Perseverance is essential if you want to get more muscle consistently over time.
- The Pull Up has the ability to trigger a response in the Latissimus Dorsi and Rhomboids more for some people than others.
- The crucial element in utilizing the Pull Up in your strength and hypertrophy program however, is variation. Adjust the way you work with it. Here are some parameters you could adjust:
- rest times
- antagonist supersets
- rest pause sets
Resource: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/
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